“Thank you for letting us, be us”- Annie + Ash

Snapped by: Third Wheelin Co.

I am a huge believer in equality and have made sure ‘ally’ isn’t just a word added to a bio.
Being an ally to me means being considerate of language and experience across every platform I use and ensuring everything about my service is welcoming to ALL.
My passion for creating inclusive services stems from my other career, in which I have provided mental health support for many people in the queer community (as well as other marginalised communities) and have become all too aware of the subtle (and not so subtle) challenges and biases others may overlook. 

For me being an ally is more than just believing ‘love is love’ (which it absolutely is!) but about also uplifting and celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community and one of my favourite ways to do this is by supporting queer community events and queer owned businesses, because visible support and allyship is powerful and being an ally means showing up as a bare minimum. 

This year I am committed to seeking out more queer community lead training and more ways to personally ‘show up’. 

If you’d like to know more about my work in this space- just ask!

My commitment to Inclusion.